Financial Highlights

Sr. No. Particulars Year 2021-22 Year 2022-23 Year 2023-24
1 Paid Up Share Capital 846.89 886.65 950.82
2 Reserves & Funds 1520.06 1797.11 1983.22
3 Networth 1548.98 1730.65 1898.00
4 Deposit 14743.63 14884.72 16402.87
5 Loan 9093.81 9925.41 11835.80
6 Investment 6846.79 5994.23 5828.85
7 Net Profit 151.70 101.08 145.73
8 Per Employee Business 256.32 261.26 313.76
9 Working Capital 18278.57 17737.02 19542.78
10 Total Income to Working Capital Ratio 11.35% 11.52% 11.78%
11 Total Income 2074.76 2043.88 2302.12
a) Interest Received 2018.89 1999.57 2205.44
b) Other Income 55.87 44.31 96.68
c) Interest Income to Working Capital Ratio 11.05% 11.27% 11.29%
d) Other Income to Working Capital Ratio 0.31% 0.25% 0.50%
12 CRAR 18.19% 18.52% 16.99%
13 CD Ratio 61.68% 66.68% 66.41%
14 Gross NPA 10.65% 10.92% 8.69%
15 Net NPA 3.36% 2.38% 0.00%
The Shahada People's Co-op Bank Ltd
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